Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Social Network Movie Analysis Film Studies Essay

The Social Network Movie Analysis Film Studies Essay The film The Social Network, discharged in the United States by Columbia Pictures on October 2010 is the best film of 2010 and has the right to be granted the Oscar for Best Picture classification. It is a socially significant film that is both useful and philosophical. In view of the genuine story of the long range informal communication site Facebook and the claims it needed to confront, the film investigates the challenges associated with reception of new thoughts and new innovation, and simultaneously it investigates the passionate uneven characters that happen when achievement occurs without any forethought. Coordinated by David Fincher, The Social Network stars Jesse Eisenberg as Mark Zuckerberg, the software engineer who designed Facebook. The screenplay by Aaron Sorkin depends on Ben Mezrichs 2009 true to life book The Accidental Billionaires. The film has so far had dazzling audits, great verbal exchange and strong film industry and it is time it is regarded with the Academy Award for Best Picture of 2010. The Social Network has been assigned for the accompanying classifications at the Oscar grants: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor (Jesse Eisenberg), Best Original Score, Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Supporting Actor. The Social Network has been consistently accepting steady acclaims and individuals are amped up for the film. At the Oscars it faces rivalry from motion pictures, for example, The Kings Speech, 127 Hours, Inception, Black Swan, True Grit and The Fighter. I for one feel that the film would catch the Best Picture grant as it has brilliant heading by David Fincher, astounding adjusted screenplay by Aaron Sorkin and wonderful depiction of Mark Zuckerberg by Jesse Eisenberg. The film likewise has astounding supporting entertainer cast, altering, score and cinematography. Every little thing about it is rich and the film can introduce the new age factor to the Academy Awards as it tends to an extremely wide crowd. The movie has just gotten the Golden Globes grant for B est Motion Picture for a dramatization and its executive David Fincher has gotten the honor for Best Director. The Social Network manages a wide scope of topics including hubris, aspiration, fellowship, envy, class and social reserve and accomplishment as status and retribution. The film has an energizing and creative plot that investigates the virtual reality where individuals can become companions or unfriends at the snap of a mouse. The plot rotates around Mark Zuckerberg, a Harvard University understudy toward the start of the film and it is 2003. The film starts and finishes with an unpretentious reference to Marks love for Erica Albright, giving the film an idyllic character. The film is quick paced and shows how life and connections can change significantly over a brief time of year and a half, by progress. Imprint, rankled by his young lady companion, dispatches a site called Facemash that would permit his partners to rank female understudies. He in this way draws the consideration of well informed agents, for example, the Winklevoss twins and their accomplice Divya Narendra who welco me him to fill in as the developer of their site, Harvard Connection thus starts his brilliant ascent in the realm of systems administration. He dispatches The Facebook, a person to person communication site which before long turns into a worldwide informal organization and an unrest in correspondence. After six years, Mark Zuckerberg gets himself the most youthful tycoon in history situated in the midst of individual and lawful difficulties. David Fincher has coordinated this film with specialized criticalness and textural extravagance as he skips between two separate affidavits utilizing flashback story in an explaining way. The camera has been capably dealt with by Jeff Cronenweth and the film has great altering and music too. The embellishments of the film mix with the film consistently to such an extent they are practically unnoticeable. Great complexity is appeared between the Harvard walk appeared in the initial credits and the regatta grouping. While the first is demonstrated smooth and rich, the last succession looks scaled down. This balance fits with the contrasting states of mind in the two scenes. The film is likewise brilliant in cinematography and altering. With regards to Visual Effects, it is truly astonishing to see Armie Hammer two jobs as the two Winklevoss twins. The exchanges are keen and clever. The Social Network film is genuinely an artful culmination. It is a film with a creative subject that is all around made with a smart screenplay and important in the current day society. Indeed, even the film audit site Rotten Tomatoes has given the move an ideal 100% and it is not out of the question that the Academy observes it. The Social Network has likewise been a film industry achievement and any film of such profundity that additionally requests to the majority is unquestionably worth acknowledgment. The film is one that the universe of today can distinguish itself with the changing styles of correspondence and its effect on connections. Additionally it accentuates how sense of self and childishness emerge with the appearance of cash. Imprint Zuckerberg is all around depicted in a film as a keen man who is yet somehow or another imbecilic. Sitting before his PC, he is exceptionally dynamic and energetic, however he is continually battling in the social setting. Jesse Eisenbergs execution is phenomenal as he shows very well the sentiment of straightforwardness before the PC and the feeling of being lost when in the midst of social encounters. He doesn't show his distress just by his outward appearances. Or maybe he shows it with his general non-verbal communication and mentality that the individuals around him are infuriatingly silly. Makes his character fascinating that he can't identify with individuals on an enthusiastic level however he comprehends their requirements and needs in the person to person communication world with extraordinary affectability. The primary scene is especially vital. Imprint discusses a wide scope of themes that his young lady companion discovers hard to follow. Be that as it may, he is irritated at his young lady companions proposal that he ought to decide to enter the club that is most straightforward to enter and unconscious, he affronts his young lady companion by her by revealing to her that she is going just to Boston University. This scene shows Mark is a fluctuating character who doesn't know about his own elitist demeanor and awful conduct. He likewise experiences issues speaking with Eduardo. Jess Eisenberg plainly demonstrating that he is a man of burrowed vision, oblivious in regards to the sentiments of the individuals near him. Eisenberg, with his adroit presentation permits the watchers to get look at a genuinely removed man who has a sharp acumen and an incredible enthusiasm for work. The film can energize, educate and engage simultaneously and is speaking to both specialized and non-specialized watchers. The film tends to the specialized parts of how the systems administration site appeared and furthermore how defilement and ravenousness enter people groups lives alongside cash in a straightforward way. This film has put forth spearheading attempts to investigate the virtual world through the character of Mark Zuckerberg who is baffling. With such extraordinary characteristics, the film The Social Network is certainly the Best Picture of 2010.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

MICHELANGELO Essays - Sistine Chapel, Renaissance Painters

MICHELANGELO 1.Early Childhood On the off chance that you don't think about craftsmanship, at that point you don't think about Michelangelo Buonarotti. He was need to been the best and absolutely the most celebrated craftsman delivered by western human progress, and generally saw as the Supreme Renaissance Artist. All through his accomplishment he has the control of being a : Painter, Sculptor, Architect, and furthermore an artist. With this sort of capacity this man had to have affected Western Europe. As an individual from the notable Florentine family, Michelangelo was brought into the world almost a little city Known as Arezzo, on March 6, 1475. His training finished in which we would think to have been to ahead of schedule for a youngster to complete school, at 13 years old. He got his tutelage in painting, not school work from the craftsman Domenico, and Bertoldo di Giovanni . He was in continually within the sight of workmanship. These encounters gave Michelangelo an unmistakable sense on obvious workmanship. His instruction was appeared in one of his first compositions The Madonna of the Stairs, was painted when he was more youthful than 20 years old. 2.Contribution to Renaissance Michelangelo contributed a considerable lot of his most noteworthy expressions and sculptures to huge numbers of the incomparable Kings and Queens of his time. One of his first and most popular sculptures was Bacchus, the God of wine. In this sculpture Michelangelo amplified the traditional perfect of excellence. His sculpture of David was likewise an impression of this thought. Michelangelo was given the most regard when he shaped the great marble piece named Pieta, which was a piece that indicated Athletic ability and dynamic activity. This enormous piece was cut in Florence which gave the individuals of Florence an image of the pleased freedom of the Florentine Republic. This is only ONE of the prime instances of why Michelangelo added to the Renaissance. Try not to feel that Mike was done at this point. His greatest commitment to the Renaissance was the point at which he painted the Sistine Chapel. His association of the Sistine roof frescoes spoke to the most mind boggling piece at any point made in Western Art. The work of art itself contains an intricate hallucination wherein it fills in as an edge for sculpturelike structures. From the nine works of art on the roof, the most one of a kind scene was the Creation of Adam, which demonstrated Michelangelo's new gander at the human body. It took him 4 years to finish the roof, yet on the off chance that you see it you will comprehend why it merited the pause. Unfortunately to state that Michelangelo kicked the bucket at the correct intense age of 89 on February 18,1564. 3.Conclusion As should be obvious that this man wasn't the most brilliant surprisingly, however that wasn't he was known for. He was known for his excellent works of art and magnificent sculptures. He was to have been supposed to be one of most prominent craftsmen ever delivered, and his worked demonstrated that and remained constant. Taking everything into account I believe that I am capable and safe to state that Michelangelo Buonarotti was genuinely a Renaissance man. Works Cited Alexander, Sidney, Michelangelo the Florentine(1985) and Nicodemus: The Roman Years of Michalengelo Buonarroti (1984): Michelangelo, Complete Poems and Scarlet Letters, trans. By Creighton Gilbert, 2d ed. (1965; repr. 1980); Cambon, Glauco, Michelangelo's Poetry (1985); Goldscheidner, Ludwig, Michelangelo: Paintings, Sculpture, Architecture, fourth ed. (1964) ;Groliers Multimedia Encyclopedia 1995 ed.(Internet)

Monday, August 10, 2020

6 Reasons To Catch Up with Wayward

6 Reasons To Catch Up with Wayward I cant remember how I first heard about Wayward it might have been as simple as seeing the comic displayed at my LCS. When they gave me the pitch (Buffy in Japan) I was sold, and the reading experience did not disappoint. Ive been buying it in issues ever since. 1. The Essays: I buy in issues not only because I constantly need to know whats going to happen next, but because of the essays in the back. Each installment has a piece by folklore scholar Zack Davisson exploring the mythology central to the issue at hand, and they are entertaining and informative both. I dont know if this is a new trend, but the fact that three of my regular pulls (ODY-C, Bitch Planet, and Wayward) have a version of this is just The Best. (Related, if you know of any others doing this, *grabby hands*.) (Also also, I am sure the trades are nice too, and I will understand if essays are not your jam.) 2. Ayane: Whos an adorably vicious cat goddess? Its Ayane! art by Steven Cummings and John Rauch I love everything about her, from her multicolored hair to her limited social awareness to her bloodlust. I was probably going to like her no matter what (#TeamCat) but Zub has written her so well. Shes the comedic foil as well as the first one to rush into a fight, and she offers a through-line from Issue 1 to Issue 10. So, you know, basically the best. 3. The Big Picture View: I was concerned with the start of this second story arc, because where the hell was Rori?? The star of the first five issues, I found her immediately compelling. Ohara, the protagonist of 6-10, took me a little more time to warm up to. But it ultimately didnt matter, because it was always clear that creators Jim Zub and Steven Cummings had a vision. I didnt know what it was (although 10 gives us a glimpse) but I could tell it was there, and that was enough to keep me going. 4. The World-Building:  Did I mention mythology already? I love mythology. And Wayward plays with its foundation in a fascinating way. Each issue introduces different elements based on traditional Japanese folklore, but spun into a modern world. Zub and Cummings respect for their source material is clear, but theyre also not afraid to give it their own twist. The way that each characters powers work, how they fit into the city around them, how they play off each other, how the protagonists and antagonists interact and conflict you can tell that they spend a lot of time thinking about these things, and I love the care that shows. 5. The Uncertainty Factor: What the hell is actually going on? The puzzle pieces are starting to fit together, and I can definitely tell that there is the aforementioned Big Picture, but what it is exactly I still could not tell you. And thats what makes it fun. The balance theyve struck between monster of the week and overarching plot is definitely working for me. 6. The Action: For someone who doesnt like the horror genre as a whole, I find myself reading a surprising amount of horror comics. Wayward strikes the balance that I prefer: theyre not afraid to show gorey scenes or invoke body horror, but theyre also clearly not in it for shock value. Each dark moment has a purpose, whether its to advance the story or give depth to a character and its often both. art by Steven Cummings and Tara Bonvillain With Wayward, Vol. 2: Ties That Bind coming out soon, theres no better time to catch up. So go on; Ill be here waiting when youre ready to discuss! Sign up to The Stack to receive  Book Riot Comic's best posts, picked for you. Thank you for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

“the Political Context” - 635 Words

â€Å"The Political Context† Describe how the Founder’s conception of the Constitution (reflected in Madison’s arguments) influenced the evolution of American public administration. In Madison’s arguments he wanted the powers in the departments to be sufficient, flaw less, and have it where the different departments kept each other in their appropriate position. With this being said, Madison believed that his observations would be able to place these powers within the departments into a more proper judgmental structure. In order to properly do this, the Founder’s had to be able to implement the proper foundation for this to be successful. Madison stated that he believe that in order to exercise these powers in the government, each department†¦show more content†¦These two items are going to help the growth in public service in are like sciences, genetics, materials, etc. the public service is going to have to be able to take on t he challenge for learning the new knowledge and technology, but for those in public service they know it will take their services further. The changes that will take place in the future bring more responsibilities and create better opportunities to the people they are helping in public service. Another growth that is seen is the increased globalization with businesses, politics, culture, and environmental concerns. The nation is coming together with all these issue at hand in order to control them. We still don’t see â€Å"eye to eye† on all these issues but progress has been made, and will continue to progress due to the globalization in public service. The diversity allows for growth around the world and allows the public service to gain the new knowledge and better there are of control these growth opportunities are going to be a challenge: however, the public service is looking to improve the conditions in their society, and within the government, laws, groups, and communities. The public service makes and helps change laws that affect the public. The public administration works closely in getting these types of changes made to make the community a better place and toShow M oreRelatedThe Political Context Of Sociology1118 Words   |  5 PagesIn his book, The Political Context of Sociology, Leon Bramson ( analyzes European theories of the mass and mass society. Bramson cites Wihelm Vleugls excretion that â€Å"not only do different authors associate different concepts with the word ‘mass’: often the same author will use the word to designate different concepts (p. 29). 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Attachment Theory By John Bowlby Essay - 2611 Words

Psychological Life History Introduction: What makes us, us? We grew up being special kids, completing milestones or not, have great support systems or not. Does it take careful examination of the self to understand who we actually are or is it more simple? Personality development is extremely complex, but occurs simply in every day. It is through the life parables, birth place, and experiences that make us, us. Personality Theory: The Attachment Theory. Our first relationship in life tends to be the mother. The attachment theory by John Bowlby emphasizes the importance and need of attachment. In addition, Mary Ainsworth created the idea that there are three styles of attachment. These include secure attachment, ambivalent attachment, and avoidant attachment. Despite some problems my parents had, I feel that I was loved and cared for the best my mother was able. I was a happy kid and had everything that I needed. I was raised being taught to respect others, speak kindly, and be confident in myself. Despite not having my father around, I think Mary Ainsworth would say that I was a securely attached child. Erikson s 8 Stages of Psychosocial Development. Something that I have learned throughout the two years of my college career has been Erik Erikson s Psychosocial Stages of Development. Each time I learn about these stages, the Identity versus Role Confusion stage always screams out at me. Thi s was so important to my personality because it distinguishes an extremely lowShow MoreRelatedJohn Bowlby : An Attachment Theory1830 Words   |  8 Pageschildren can form close attachments with a number of people. These emotional bonds that children develop with their parents and other caregivers are vital for their personal, social and emotional development. A child with secure attachment feels able to rely on their parents and caregivers for safety and comfort and uses these important attachment relationships as bases from which they explore and learn about the world. John Bowlby (1907-90) has made an attachment theory. He believed that relationshipsRead MoreAttachment Theory By John Bowlby981 Words   |  4 PagesAttachment theory constituted by John Bowlby suggested the child’s early attachment with a primary caregiver predicts their later adulthood relationship style. There are three patterns of adult attachment theory: secure, avoidant, and ambivalent relationship styles. First, the secure relationship style shows few problems with developing satisfying friendships and relationships, such as trusting others and developing the bond with others (Larson Buss, 2014). Second, the avoidant relationship styleRead MoreAttachment Theory By John Bowlby881 Words   |  4 PagesAttachment theory, developed by John Bowlby, Attachment is defined as the formation of a psychological and emotional relationship between an infant and its primary caregiver. It’s also a pattern of relational style that the child learns from the adults and caregivers whom play the largest role in the child’s life. That pattern is learned in early childhood and thought to repeat itself throughout an individual’s life, in both their social and romantic relationships. Secure attachment tends to beRead MoreAttachment Theory By John Bowlby1976 Words   |  8 Pages Attachment theory constituted by John Bowlby suggested the child’s early attachment with primary caregiver predicts their later adulthood relationship style. There are three patterns of adult attachment theory: secure, avoidant, and ambivalent relationship styles. First, the secure relationship style shows few problems with developing satisfying friendships and relationships, such as trusting others and developing the bond with others (Larson Buss, 2014). Second, the avoidant relationshipRead MoreJohn Bowlby s Theory Of Attachment1581 Words   |  7 Pagesoccur in the prenatal development, infancy and childhood, as new-borns develop into young adulthood capable of becoming a parent themselves. This assignment will discuss the developmental stage of a chosen child scenario and apply to John Bowlby’s theory of attachment. It will also discuss the key safeguarding issues within the child scenario and how they could have been prohibited. Scenario The chosen child scenario for this assignment is Paul (see appendix). Paul is six years of age and is theRead MoreJohn Bowlby s Theory Of Attachment1439 Words   |  6 Pagesabout John Bowlby and his theory of attachment plus criticisms and how these come into effect in practice and legislation. Edward John Mostyn Bowlby was born February 27th 1907 and died September 2nd 1990. He was born in London to a middle class family. He was mostly taken care of by his nanny because his parents believed that spending too much time with him could lead to him becoming a spoilt child. At age 7 he was sent to boarding school by his parents. After finishing boarding school Bowlby wentRead MoreThe Pioneer Of Attachment Theory By John Bowlby1826 Words   |  8 PagesOxford, Kelly, Nelson Fleming, 2012). The pioneer of attachment theory, John Bowlby (1969), underscored the importance of child to parent attachments in his landmark trilogy, Attachment and loss (Bowlby, 1982, 1973, 1980). Bowlby’s ideas began to shape research in the field of developmental psychology during the 1960s and promoted research into the precise operationalisation of the ‘attachment’ construct (Woolgar Scott, 2014). Attachment relationships serve the function of providing protectionRead MoreJohn Bowlby s Theory Of Attachment1423 Words   |  6 PagesJohn Bowlby’s theory of attachment asserts that an infant forms an attachment to the primary caregiver to ensure survival. Developmental psychologist Mary Ainsworth furthered this idea by devising attachment styles in infants. Ainsworth believed that the quality of care given by the mother or primary caregiver results in the infant developing a secure or insecure attachment. Ainsworth identified three attachment styles, namely; secure, avoidant and anxious/ambivalent attachments. As the word infersRead MoreThe Theory Of Attachment Proposed By John Bowlby And Mary Ainsworth1177 Words   |  5 Pagesthe characteristics of human nature, which is relationships and attachment. The course materials emphasized the critical role of relationship and attachment to the development of the children. The internship site also provided an opportunity for me to visualize different attachments and relationships between parent and child in action. As the chapter readings from the textbook explore different perspectives of relationship and attachment proposed by various theorists, the class discussions and lectures

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Woning in Nederland Free Essays

string(102) " gebouwd met allemaal dezelfde woningen, en deze worden ook allemaal voor een gelijke prijs verkocht\." Hoe werkt het huren new wave een woning in Nederland? Het huren van een woning houdt in, digital audiotape je geen eigenaar new wave een woning set, maar dat je tegen betaling in een huis woont digital audiotape eigendom new wave een verhuurder of woningcorporatie is. Tussen een huurder nut een verhuurder wordt een huurcontract afgesloten. Huurcontract Wanneer een particuliere verhuurder of een woningcorporatie een woning aan iemand wil verhuren, moeten beide partijen rain trees een huurcontract opstellen. We will write a custom essay sample on Woning in Nederland or any similar topic only for you Order Now Hierin staan afspraken dice de verhuurder en huurder rain trees maken. Een huurcontract kan op twee manieren worden afgesloten: een mondelinge afspraak Dit is lastig te bewijzen en vaak wordt Er dan ook gezorgd voor een eventuele getuige, om zo voor meer zekerheid Te zorgen. Een schriftelijke overeenkomst In de meeste gevallen stellen de twee partijen rain trees een schriftelijk huurcontract op. Het voordeel new wave een schriftelijke overeenkomst is dat work forces, wanneer het nodig blijkt, altijd naar de gemaakte afspraken kunt kijken. De volgende dingen maken deel uit new wave een huurcontract: Namen huurder + verhuurder Datum sluiten van de huurovereenkomst Adres van heated gehuurde, met omschrijving Manier new wave betaling Afspraken over onderhoud Huisregels Hoogte new wave huur ( en tijdstip wanneer deze eventueel verhoogd wordt ) Een huurcontract kan voor onbepaalde tijd gelden, en is dan altijd opzegbaar. Dit is erg handig wanneer iemand graag flexibel woont. Op deze manier kan een dergelijk persoon gelijk verhuizen wanneer daar de behoefte voor is. Het is ook mogelijk digital audiotape het contract voor een bepaalde periode geldt. In een dergelijk geval kan het contract niet zomaar worden opgezegd, alleen wanneer beide partijen hiermee instemmen. Huurprijs De prijs new wave een huurwoning hangt net ALSs bij een koopwoning new wave verschillende factoren af. De overheid heeft voor een huurwoning een puntensysteem gemaakt, zodat je aan de manus daarvan een maximale huurprijs kunt berekenen. Dit puntensysteem is terug te vinden in de booklet: huren new wave een woning 2009-2010. Bij dot puntensysteem spelen factoren ALSs grootte van de woning, ligging new wave de woning, de voorzieningen en omgeving new wave de woning een rol. De kale huurprijs wordt in heated huurcontract opgenomen. Behalve de kale huurprijs, komen er vaak ook peg andere kosten kijken bij het huren new wave een woning. Hierbij moet je bijvoorbeeld denken aan kosten voor elektriciteit en gas. Wanneer de huurder twijfelt of de prijs wel redelijk is en klopt, kan hij de huurcommissie inschakelen. Deze zullen vervolgens onderzoeken of de prijzen wel kloppen, en kunnen eventueel via de rechter een andere prijs afdingen. Prijsverhoging De huur mag maximaal A ; eacute ; A ; eacute ; n keer per jaar verhoogd worden. Dit mag niet met een willekeurig bedrag gedaan worden ; er zit een maximal aan vast. Momenteel bedraagt de maximale verhoging 2,5 % . De verhuurder moet zijn voorstel voor de verhoging minstens dainty maanden new wave Te voren indienen. Kopen new wave een huurwoning Het is eventueel wel mogelijk een huurwoning over te kopen, maar een verhuurder hoeft hier niet mee akkoord Te gaan. Wanneer je een huurwoning wilt kopen, moet er wel een geldig taxatierapport worden opgesteld. Als er sprake is van een groep dezelfde woningen is A ; eacute ; A ; eacute ; n rapport voor Al deze woningen voldoende. Voordelen new wave een huurwoning: Flexibel wonen, work forces kan snel weer verhuizen Geen grote schuld waarover bovendien annuity betaald moet worden Niet aansprakelijk voor alles, ook de verhuurder heeft verplichtingen omtrent onderhoud Minder risico doordat het huis niet new wave jouw is ( je kan niet in A ; eacute ; A ; eacute ; n keer zo veel vermogen verliezen ) Nadelen new wave een huurwoning: Beperkt aanbod new wave huizen Je bouwt geen groot vermogen op zoals bij een koopwoning Je set niet vrij Te doen wat je wilt ( met je huis ) Je hebt Te maken met een verhuurder ; je dead set afhankelijk new wave iemand anders Hoe werkt het kopen new wave een woning in Nederland? Het kopen new wave een woning houdt in digital audiotape je eigenaar wordt new wave een huis, al dan niet met een lening. Wanneer je een huis gaat kopen, moet je allereerst een lijstje maken van punten waarvan jij vindt digital audiotape dice belangrijk voor de woning zijn. Vervolgens kun je huizen gaan bezichtigen en makkelijk volgens het lijstje kijken of een huis geschikt is. Makelaar Wanneer Er een huis verkocht wordt, gebeurt dot altijd via een makelaar. Wanneer je op huizenjacht gaat, zul je dan ook contact hebben met de makelaar van de verkopende partij. Ook is heated mogelijk zelf de hulp van makelaar in te schakelen bij het zoeken en kopen van huis. Deze zal je daarbij dan begeleiden en kijken of alles wat de verkopende partij vertelt wel klopt. Een makelaar kan naast zijn andere taken ook nog ALSs taxateur optreden. Prijzen omtrent koophuizen Bestaande woning Wanneer je een bestaande woning new wave een andere particulier overneemt, zal Er vaak worden onderhandeld over de te betalen prijs. In de meeste gevallen komt Er een prijs tot stand die net iets onder de vraagprijs ligt. Ook kan het zijn digital audiotape work forces meer biedt dan de vraagprijs, omdat er behalve de objectieve waardeaanduiding new wave het taxatierapport ook emoties mee kunnen spelen. Behalve emoties kan er ook sprake zijn new wave een onrustige woningmarkt ; mensen bieden gelijk ( boven ) de vraagprijs, uit angst voor het verliezen new wave de kans op een woning. Dit kan problemen opleveren met de financiering, aangezien de taxateur het huis een lagere waarde heeft gegeven. Je moet Er dus meer voor betalen dan digital audiotape het waard is, en een verstrekker new wave een hypotheek rekening houdt met de prijs volgens de taxatie en niet met de prijs dice daadwerkelijk is betaald. Nieuwe woning Bij een nieuwbouwwoning ligt de prijs in de meeste gevallen al vast. Meestal wordt Er dan ook niet meer onderhandeld over heated te betalen bedrag. Tegenwoordig worden Er veel huizenblokken gebouwd met allemaal dezelfde woningen, en deze worden ook allemaal voor een gelijke prijs verkocht. You read "Woning in Nederland" in category "Essay examples" Onderhandelen is dan natuurlijk niet mogelijk. Bij een nieuwbouwwoning is er A ; eacute ; A ; eacute ; n gevaar ; het kan zijn digital audiotape het huis Al een tijd lang Te koop staat, en de verkopende partij kan dan een bedrag aan vervallen annuity bij de koopsom optellen. Wanneer je bijna zeker weet een bepaalde woning te kopen, is heated mogelijk Er een optie op Te nemen. Je hebt dan het recht new wave de eerste koop gedurende een aantal dagen. In deze dagen kun je noodzakelijke dingen peg regelen. Keuringen Bouwkundige keuring Wanneer je een bestaande woning besluit Te kopen kan het handig zijn eerst een bouwkundige keuring uit Te laten voeren. De staat new wave het huis wordt dan bekeken, en ALSs er problemen zijn zullen deze duidelijk worden. Opleveringskeuring Wanneer work forces een nieuwe woning besluit Te kopen kan het handig zijn een opleveringskeuring uit Te laten voeren. Een nieuwe woning hoort natuurlijk geheel in orde Te zijn en een opleveringskeuring trial of dot ook daadwerkelijk het geval is. Koopcontract Als beide partijen rain trees tot een prijs zijn gekomen dient een overeenkomst schriftelijk vastgelegd Te worden. Dit gebeurt in een voorlopig koopcontract. De koper heeft dan nog drie dagen bedenktijd waarin hij de koop kan annuleren. Verder is de naam voorlopig niet helemaal op zijn plaats, aangezien work forces het contract niet zomaar kan verbreken. Vaak moet Er dan bijvoorbeeld 10 % new wave de koopsom betaald worden. Overdracht De eerdere eigenaar new wave een woning moet de woning verlaten voor de datum waarop de papieren bij de notaris belanden om ondertekend Te worden en de overdracht daadwerkelijk plaats vindt. In sommige gevallen kan de toekomstige eigenaar zijn huis al eerder betreden. Koper en verkoper ondertekenen dan een sleutelverklaring ; de koper mag Al wel in het huis komen maar heeft peg geen eigendomspapieren. Financi A ; euml ; lupus erythematosuss aspect Wanneer work forces besluit een huis Te willen kopen, is daar een grote som geld voor nodig. Vaak kunnen mensen dot niet zomaar opbrengen, en dus moeten zij geld lenen. Voor een huis wordt vaak een langdurige lening afgesloten met een hoog bedrag. Een dergelijke lening noemen we ook wel een hypothecaire lening. Er zijn verschillende vormen hypotheken, die voor verschillende groepen mensen geschikt zijn. Hiervan geven wij een aantal voorbeelden met daarbij de verschillende groepen dice erbij horen. Annuiteitenhypotheek Deze hypotheek is aantrekkelijk voor jonge mensen, aangezien de lasten in het Begin lager zijn dan aan het einde new wave de looptijd. Het inkomen van deze jongere mensen zal waarschijnlijk nog stijgen, waardoor dot een ideale vorm voor biddy is. Spaarhypotheek Deze hypotheek houdt gedurende de looptijd continu dezelfde lasten, wat voor duidelijkheid zorgt. Bovendien neemt de rente van de lening gedurende de looptijd niet af, waardoor je new wave maximale belastingvoordeel gebruik kan maken. Deze hypotheek is dus aantrekkelijk voor mensen met een hoog loon, omdat zij meer voordeel hebben new wave de hypotheekrente aftrek Lineaire hypotheek Bij deze vorm new wave hypotheken worden de lasten lager gedurende de looptijd. Dit komt doordat je aflost, en daardoor het bedrag aan involvement afneemt. Deze hypotheek is aantrekkelijk voor mensen dice wat ouder zijn, zodat zij op heated minute digital audiotape zij met pensioen gaan, en dus minder verdienen, lagere lasten hebben. Beleggingshypotheek Bij deze vorm new wave hypotheken loop je meer risico doordat Er niet wordt gespaard zoals bij een spaarhypotheek maar wordt belegd. Dit brengt risico ‘s met zich mee, aangezien de eindwaarde kan verschillen van het verwachte bedrag. Dit kan zowel positief ALSs negatief uitvallen. Deze vorm is aantrekkelijk voor mensen met veel geld, aangezien zij dot risico durven te lopen om misschien winst Te maken. Aflossingsvrije hypotheek Bij deze hypotheek wordt Er niks afgelost tijdens de looptijd, en wordt alleen het bedrag aan involvement steeds betaald. Hierdoor zijn Er lage lasten, maar wordt Er geen Eigen vermogen opgebouwd en blijft de rente maximaal. Deze hypotheek is aantrekkelijk voor mensen met wat minder geld. Deze voorbeelden worden in de PO M A ; O nog uitgebreid toegelicht, dot is slechts een klein stukje uitleg. Voordelen new wave een koopwoning: Je bouwt Eigen vermogen op Je kunt Er aan veranderen wat je wilt e hebt geen last new wave een verhuurder Nadelen new wave een koopwoning: In de meeste gevallen is een grote lening noodzakelijk, grote schuld Je betaalt veel annuity over een eventuele lening Verhuizen is een hoop werk ( woning verkopen en kopen ) Al het onderhoud komt voor Eigen rekening Zo blijkt uiteindelijk digital audiotape Er heel wat komt kijken bij het kopen new wave een huis. Het inschakelen new wave een makelaar lijkt mij daarom toch wel verstandig. Deze weet wat Te doen en kan eventueel aan de bel trekken wanneer hij denkt digital audiotape de prijs te hoog is. Bovendien weet hij nog hoe de keuringen e.d. in hun werk gaan. Drie voorbeelden ( platteland, stad en achterwijk ) : huren of kopen? Platteland Op het platteland komen zelden huurwoningen voor, en work forces zal dus in bijna moose geval over moeten gaan tot het kopen new wave een woning op het platteland. Vaak hoort Er bij een dergelijke woning ook nog een behoorlijk stuk grond, wat vervolgens ook heated eigendom new wave de koper wordt. Bovendien zijn de meeste mensen dice op zoek zijn naar een plattelandswoning niet op zoek naar een huurhuis, maar juist een koophuis. De kans is groot digital audiotape een huis op het platteland meer waard wordt, doordat Er steeds minder ruimte in Nederland is. Het kopen new wave een woning op het platteland lijkt mij verstandiger dan huren, wat bovendien ook bijna niet mogelijk is. Stad In bepaalde delen new wave de stad zijn veel woningen dice verhuurd worden. Zo wonen Er in sommige steden veel studenten, die er slechts een kortere periode willen wonen, en bovendien nog niet geschikt zijn voor een hypotheek. Wel zijn de huurprijzen in de steden vaak hoog waardoor het wellicht toch aantrekkelijk is om, eventueel rain trees met anderen, een huis Te kopen. De kans dat deze woning in waarde stijgt is ook behoorlijk groot, dus dan loont het uiteindelijk toch wel. Wel moet je dan over bepaalde financi A ; euml ; le middelen beschikken, zodat je een hypotheek kunt nemen. Dit eventueel met de hulp van ouders. In heated centrum new wave een stad wonen veel verschillende groepen mensen, waarvoor het soms wel handig is een huis Te kopen, en in sommige gevallen een huurhuis beter is. Wanneer je de middelen hebt, lijkt het kopen new wave een woning in de stad mij een goede investering. Achterwijk In deze delen wonen vaak wat armere mensen dice over vrij weinig financi A ; euml ; le middelen beschikken. Zij komen vaak door een laag inkomen niet in aanmerking voor een hypotheek, en zullen daarom over moeten gaan tot het huren new wave een huis. Het kopen new wave een huis heeft hier ook niet heel erg veel zin, doordat een dergelijk huis vaak niet veel in waarde zal stijgen door z’n ligging. Het huren van een woning lijkt mij verstandig wanneer je in een achterwijk woont nut over weinig financi A ; euml ; le middelen beschikt. oe pimple het met de regelgeving new wave de overheid omtrent het kopen of huren van een woning? Een fijne leefomgeving en prettige woning is belangrijk voor iedereen. Het ministerie new wave VROM ( Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieubeheer ) is heated Nederlandse ministerie digital audiotape toezicht houdt op onder andere de huisvesting in Nederland. De hoofdlijnen new wave het beleid worden door dot ministerie bepaald en op footing new wave deze richtlijnen worden regels en wetten opgesteld. De VROM-inspectie helpt gemeenten en woningcorporaties bij heated handhaven van de regels voor huisvesting. De huisvesting voor zwakkere groepen in de samenleving, woningcorporaties, huur- nut koopsubsidies en natuurlijk de hypotheekrenteaftrek zijn een aantal belangrijke agendapunten new wave dot ministerie. Bij deze deelvraag beperken we ons tot de huisvestingswet, de woningwet en bouwregelgeving. Huisvestingswet In 1993 is in Nederland de huisvestingswet in werking gesteld. De regering is van mening digital audiotape de schaarse huizen rechtvaardig en evenwichtig onder de bevolking verdeeld moeten worden nut daarom is deze huisvestingswet opgesteld. De wet biedt gemeenten de mogelijkheid om de verdeling new wave woonruimte Te reguleren. Uitgangspunt blijft natuurlijk wel de vrije vestiging new wave Burgers. Gemeenten hebben een aantal instrumenten om de verdeling new wave woonruimte in de manus Tes houden en ongewenste tendensen in de woningvoorraad tegen Te gaan. Zo kunnen gemeenten: voorrang geven aan groepen woningzoekenden. wel of niet toestaan digital audiotape woningen splitsen, samenvoegen of aan de woningvoorraad onttrekken. woningen toewijzen en bindingseisen aan toekomstige bewoners stellen. Woningwet De woningwet werd in 1901 aangenomen door heated kabinet Pierson. Met deze moisture werd de footing voor een verbetering new wave de volkshuisvesting gelegd. Het doel new wave de moisture was: de bouw van goede woningen bevorderen en de bewoning new wave slechte woningen onmogelijk maken. Om dot Te kunnen bereiken, werden Er strenge regels opgesteld om slechte woningen Te weren en werd gemeenschapsgeld gebruikt voor de bevordering new wave de bouw van goede woningen. Het geld werd uitgeleend aan woningcorporaties die zogenaamde woningwetwoningen bouwde. Dit was zo gezegd het begin new wave overheidsbemoeienis binnen de huizenmarkt. Om slechte woningen tegen Te gaan, werden Er een aantal regels doorgevoerd: Woningeigenaren konden worden verplicht bepaalde renovaties en verbeteringen uit Te voeren. Zonder bouwvergunning mocht work forces niet meer zomaar iets nieuws bouwen of een al bestaand gebouw uitbreiden of verbouwen. De gemeente kreeg de verplichting een bouwverordening op Te stellen met richtlijnen waaraan nieuwe woningen zouden moeten voldoen. Gemeenten kregen de bevoegdheid woningen onbewoonbaar Te verklaren. Bouwregelgeving Wanneer je wilt gaan bouwen of verbouwen krijg je altijd Te maken met de bouwregelgeving. Deze regels zijn voor het merendeel afgeleid new wave de Woningwet en hebben Te maken met veiligheid, gezondheid, de omgeving en de buren. De bouwregelgeving is opgesteld om een veilige en gezonde leefomgeving te waarborgen. Tevens draagt de bouwregelgeving bij aan energiebesparing. De bouwparagraaf binnen de Woningwet vormt de kern van de bouwregelgeving. Onder deze moisture staan drie AMvB ‘s ( Algemene Maatregelen van Bestuur ) : Het Besluit bouwvergunningsvrije en licht-bouwvergunningplichtige bouwwerken, waarin het bouwvergunningsregime is uitgewerkt. Het bouwbesluit met bouwtechnische voorschriften waaraan een bouwwerk moet voldoen. Het besluit Indieningsvereisten aanvraag bouwvergunning, waarin staat hoe een bouwaanvraag moet worden ingediend. Het bestemmingsplan, de welstandsnota en de bouwverordening spelen natuurlijk ook een rol. Wie vallen onder de kwetsbare groepen met betrekking tot de huizenmarkt en welke hulp wordt Er aan deze groepen geboden? Binnen elk aspect new wave een samenleving bestaan Er kwetsbare groepen. Binnen de huizenmarkt zijn dot onder andere starting motors, werklozen en mensen met een laag inkomen. Hier volgen een aantal overheidsregelingen dice mensen steunen in heated kopen of huren van een woning: Koopsubsidie De overheid wil het Eigen woningbezit bevorderen middels de koopsubsidie, ook wel Eigenwoningbijdrage. De regels voor deze subsidie staan in de Wet bevordering eigenwoningbezit ( BEW ) . Wanneer iemand voldoet aan de gestelde voorwaarden, kan deze persoon een maandelijkse bijdrage voor de hypotheeklasten ontvangen. De subsidiepot is genuine bijna leeg. Groene hypotheek Voor woningen dice aan bepaalde milieueisen voldoen is heated mogelijk korting te krijgen op de hypotheekrente. De groene hypotheek is een financi A ; euml ; le regeling om duurzaam bouwen Te stimuleren. Een groene hypotheek kan worden verstrekt ALSs er aan een aantal eisen op het gebied van duurzaam bouwen wordt voldaan. Huurtoeslag Een huurder kan deze huurtoeslag aanvragen ALSs de huur te hoog is in verhouding tot heated inkomen. Men moet aan een aantal voorwaarden voldoen om in aanmerking te komen voor deze toeslag. Zo zijn Er grenzen vastgesteld aan de hoogte van het inkomen en de huur. Mensen met een laag inkomen kunnen middels deze huurtoeslag toch in aanmerking komen voor een goede en betaalbare huurwoning. Hypotheekrenteaftrek Op dot minute overal in heated nieuws: de hypotheekrenteaftrek. Binnen alle partijprogramma ‘s new wave de politieke partijen is de hypotheekrenteaftrek een belangrijk facet. Iedereen heeft er zijn mening over, maar wat houdt de hypotheekrenteaftrek nou precies in en wat was heated oorspronkelijke doel? De hypotheekrenteaftrek is een belastingmaatregel waarmee kosten van de financiering new wave de eigen woning fiscaal aftrekbaar worden gemaakt. Het doel was de drempel om een woning aan Te schaffen Te verlagen. Tevens wordt het hiermee fiscaal aantrekkelijker om een koopwoning te financieren door een lening, zodat opgebouwd kapitaal geinvesteerd kan worden in de economie. Toch werkt de hypotheekrenteaftrek op dit minute niet juist. Het zorgt voor een kunstmatige stijging new wave de woningprijzen. De negatieve invloed new wave het fiscale voordeel wordt versterkt door het beleid op de huurmarkt, waar de huren al jaren met niet meer dan de inflatie verhoogd mogen worden. Het resultaat is dan ook een vastgelopen woningmarkt. Welke invloed heeft de financi A ; euml ; le crisis op de huizenmarkt in Nederland? De prijs van de huizen op de huizenmarkt hangen af new wave verschillende factoren. De voornaamste factoren die een rol spelen zijn fiscaliteit, prijs new wave de woningen, aanbod new wave woningen, inkomen van kopers en de rentestand. We zullen de factoren kort bespreken. Fiscaliteit Met fiscaliteit word bedoeld, digital audiotape Er je in Nederland sommige kosten ALSs aftrekpost van het belastbaar inkomen kunt aftrekken. Een voorbeeld daarvan is de renteaftrek van de aankoop van de eigenwoning. De laatste tijd word Er steeds meer in de regering erover gehad om de renteaftrek Te schappen. Als de renteaftrek zou verdwijnen en de prijzen van de huizen gelijk zouden blijven, word het voor heel veel mensen bijna onmogelijk om een huis Te kopen. Prijs new wave de woningen Hiermee word bedoeld hoe hoog de prijzen van de huizen zijn op huizenmarkt. Mede door de fiscaliteit dice ons land heeft zijn de prijzen de laatst 40 jaar enorm gestegen. Aanbod new wave woningen Er is in Nederland een groeiende vraag naar huizen, maar de ruimte in Nederland is erg beperkt. Dus het aanbod new wave het aantal huizen is daardoor ook beperkt. In Nederland gaat het bouwproces van huizen ook minder snel dan in andere landen, doordat Er maar weinig goede bouwgrond is en door de vergunningen en processs die nodig zijn voordat je een huis mag gaan bouwen. Inkomen van de kopers Hiermee word bedoeld de koopkracht van de mensen die een huis willen kopen. De koopkracht hangt sterk af new wave heated inkomen van de desbetreffende persoon. Daarbij komt dat het ook sterk afhangt new wave de hoogte van de hypotheek die de mensen kunnen krijgen van de bank. Want ALSs je inkomen lager, zul je ook een lagere hypotheek kunnen nemen dan ALSs je een hoog inkomen hebt. De rentestand De hypotheekrente speelt ook een rol, want ALSs die hoog zou zijn zullen minder mensen een hypotheek gaan afsluiten. De hoogte van de hypotheekrente word vastgesteld aan de manus new wave de internationale kapitaalmarkt. En dice markt zal niet snel veranderen, dus de kans dat de rentestand erg verandert is zeer Klein. En Door het fiscale stelsel in Nederland is de hypotheekrente ook nog is erg laag, want new wave de rente wordt nog de belastingaftrek afgetrokken. Dus wordt heated netto rentepercentage laager. Er zijn combinaties tussen deze factoren die grote gevolgen kunnen hebben voor de huizenmarkt, bijvoorbeeld stijgende annuity en een afgleidende economie, zullen lijden tot een structurele daling new wave de huizenprijzen. En daar zouden veel mensen onder lijden. Uit onderzoeken blijkt digital audiotape de prijzen op de huizenmarkt sterk kunnen reageren in tijden new wave crisis, maar er bleek ook uit digital audiotape dot consequence meestal maar ongeveer een kwartaal duurde. Er zijn in vroegere tijden wel vaker crisissen geweest, die gevolgen hadden op de huizenmarkt. Alleen heated verschil met die vorige keren van crisis was, dat de prijzen van de huizen net voordat de huizenmarkt in elkaar zakten enorm waren gestegen. Dat kwam doordat de banken toen erg makkelijk een hypotheek verleende, dus was heated consequence new wave de crisis excess groot. Tegenwoordig zal een crisis zoals de kredietcrisis niet zo grote schade ALSs in vorige tijden new wave crisis teweegbrengen in de huizenmarkt. Dat komt door onder andere heated beleid new wave de overheid over heated verlenen new wave hypotheken. De huizenmarkt is zo gebouwd digital audiotape dice ook tijdens crisis niet in elkaar zakt. En de overheid houdt alles goed in de gaten en grijpt in ALSs het mis dreigt Te gaan. Maar er zullen in tijden new wave crisis wel degelijk verschillen Te zien zijn in vergelijken met gewone tijden zonder crisis. Dat was ook te zien tijdens de kredietcrisis. Want de financi A ; euml ; le crisis heeft wel degelijk invloed op de huizenmarkt gehad, en de crisis heeft dice invloed nog steeds. Dat komt mede doordat de crisis tegelijk kwam met heated afnemen van de procentuele groei van de wereldeconomie. Prijzen gedaald De prijzen van de huizen zijn erg gedaald de afgelopen tijd, omdat het de verkopers niet lukt om de huizen Te verkopen. Maar ondanks dat de ze de prijs van hun huis laten dalen, lukt het de meeste nog steeds niet om new wave Hun huis af te komen. Prijzen gestegen Voor kopers is heated aan de andere kant erg moeilijk om een huis Te kopen, vooral doordat het tegenwoordig erg moeilijk is om een hypotheek Te krijgen. Ook veel mensen hebben grote moeite om rond Tes komen met de kosten van Hun nieuwe woning, doordat de prijzen erg zijn gestegen. Er zijn formules die kunnen berekenen hoeveel tijd Er nodig is voordat de prijzen van nu zijn verdubbeld, een voorbeeld daarvan is de 72-regel. En het blijkt digital audiotape dice tijd 24 jaar is, digital audiotape is dus erg snel. Hypotheek Het is veel moeilijker om tegenwoordig een hypotheek Te krijgen, doordat de banken moeilijker geld van elkaar kunnen lenen door de crisis. Daarom verlenen de banken ook minder snel hypotheken. Meerdere banken in Nederland hebben ook geld geleend new wave de overheid, om rond Te kunnen komen. De overheid speelt er ook een rol in digital audiotape het moeilijker is om een hypotheek Te krijgen. Een ander Irish pound is dat de hypotheekrente is opgelopen, daardoor is heated minder aantrekkelijk om een hypotheek af Te sluiten. Beleid new wave de overheid Het beleid new wave de overheid perkt de invloed van de crisis op de huizenmarkt erg in. Ze zorgen ervoor digital audiotape de banken Hun financierende rol blijven spelen, en niet zo snel meer hypotheken verlenen. Daardoor word het moeilijker voor veel mensen om een huis Te kopen, en zo neemt de vraag naar koopwoningen af. Omdat dice mensen waarschijnlijk in een huurwoning zullen gaan wonen. Een andere regeling dice is ingegaan is dat ieder work forces in zijn leven maar een hypotheek new wave maximaal 30 jaar mag hebben. Deze regeling heeft ervoor gezorgd digital audiotape de mensen goed moeten gaan nadenken over wanneer ze de hypotheek willen nemen etc. Hoe ziet de huizenmarkt in Nederland Er in de toekomst uit? Veel mensen zijn onzekerder geworden door de crisis en twijfelen daarom erg over heated wel of niet kopen new wave een nieuwe woning. Ze weten niet precies of het een verstandige tijd is om een nieuw huis Te kopen. De afgelopen jaren is de wereld economie erg gestegen in procenten. Maar de laatste jaren is heated nog wel gestegen, maar in veel mindere mate dan de jaren ervoor. En digital audiotape is tegelijk gekomen met de crisis. De crisis heeft ook Nederland geraakt, zowel de particulieren ALSs de banken zelf hebben er last new wave gehad. In de toekomst zal het weer beter gaan met de huizenmarkt in Nederland. Er zijn verschillende factoren dice er voor moeten gaan zorgen digital audiotape het in de toekomst weer goed gaat met Nederlandse huizenmarkt. Maar er zijn ook factoren waar weinig aan kan worden gedaan door bijvoorbeeld de overheid van Nederland. Daarmee bedoel ik factoren die een rol spelen in de hele wereld of in stukken new wave de wereld, zoals de EU waar Nederland ook mee Te maken heeft, en dus ook last new wave zou kunnen hebben. De overheid wil met behulp new wave wetten en regels heated land Ers weer bovenop helpen en dus ook de huizenmarkt. Nieuw beleid new wave de overheid Overheid wil dat de hypotheekverstrekkers nog voorzichtiger worden met het verstekken new wave hypotheken. Dit nieuwe hypotheek beleid zal Er voor zorgen digital audiotape het moeilijker gaat worden om een huis Te kopen. Kosten zullen flink stijgen voor kopers. Weinig betalingsproblemen en gedwongen verkopen new wave huizen. Dus op zich is heated nieuwe beleid niet perse nodig. Prijsstijgingen In de toekomst zullen er niet meer zulke grote prijsstijgingen zijn ALSs de afgelopen 40 jaar waarin de prijs 24 keer zo hoog is geworden. Maar toch zullen moose jaar de prijzen van de huizen stijgen. Ook zal de rente in de toekomst stijgen, hierdoor worden de lasten van de huiseigenaren hoger. Maar heated brutoloon zal gelijk blijven in de loop van de tijd. Hierdoor zal het voor vele moeilijker worden om een koopwoning te kunnen kopen. En zal het voor huiseigenaren lastig worden om rond Te komen. Veel huiseigenaren zijn daarbovenop ook peg knock voor een waardedaling new wave Hun woning, waardoor ze het nog moeilijker kunnen gaan krijgen. Hypotheekrenteaftrek De overheid heeft plannen om de hypotheekrenteaftrek Te schappen in de toekomst. Het consequence daarvan zou erg positief kunnen zijn, ALSs daardoor de prijzen van de huizen zullen gaan dalen. Maar ALSs de prijzen gelijk zullen blijven, zal het voor heel veel mensen onmogelijk worden om een huis Te kopen. Zolang de hypotheekrente aftrekbaar blijft zullen de prijzen van de huizen niet gaan dalen. Nieuwe wetten De overheid heeft nieuwe wetten aangenomen en afspraken gemaakt om de schade van de crisis Te herstellen. Een voorbeeld daarvan is de Crisis- en herstelwet, die ervoor zorgt digital audiotape de uitvoering op het gebied van duurzaamheid, bereikbaarheid en woningbouw sneller uitgevoerd kunnen worden. Daardoor kost heated bijvoorbeeld minder tijd om nieuwe woningen Te bouwen, om zo de vraag naar betaalbare koopwoningen Te kunnen gaan verkleinen. Want er zal in de toekomst door het groeiende aantal inwoners, een nog steeds groeiende vraag naar betaalbare woningen blijven. Alles word duurder Dit is ook A ; eacute ; A ; eacute ; n van de factoren waar de overheid niet zo veel aan kan doen. En digital audiotape is dat in de toekomst alles duurder zal gaan worden. Er zijn formules om te berekenen hoeveel tijd het gaat kosten voordat de prijzen van nu verdubbeld zullen zijn, een voorbeeld daarvan is de 72-regel. Die regel verteld ons dat over 24 jaar de prijzen van nu verdubbeld zullen zijn. Dus kost een huis nu nog twee ton, dan zou digital audiotape over 24 jaar wel is 4 ton kunnen zijn. Huren in plaats van kopen Door verschillenden factoren zoals bijvoorbeeld de stijgende prijzen en het moeilijker krijgen new wave een hypotheek zullen steeds minder mensen over de mogelijkheid beschikken om in een koopwoning te leven. Meer mensen zullen huurwoningen nemen in plaats van koopwoningen. De laatste tijd word Er steeds meer in de regering erover gehad om de renteaftrek Te schappen. Als de renteaftrek zou verdwijnen en de prijzen van de huizen gelijk zouden blijven, word het voor heel veel mensen bijna onmogelijk om een huis Te kopen. Door onder andere de net genoemde factoren zullen erg veel mensen er voor kiezen om te gaan huren i.p.v. een woning Te kopen. Ook de armere groepen in Nederland hebben niet de mogelijkheid om een huis Te kopen, dus zullen ook gaan huren. Banken De banken zullen in de toekomst erg voorzichtig zijn met het verstrekken new wave hypotheken. De overheid zal ervoor zorgen digital audiotape de banken Hun financierende rol blijven uitoefenen. En ALSs het beter met de wereldeconomie gaat in de toekomst en er dus meer geld tot Hun beschikking komt, zullen ze weer soepeler worden. Want ze zitten op heated minute zelf ook krab de banken in Nederland, er zijn verschillende banken die geld hebben geleend new wave de overheid. Uiteindelijk ALSs het met de wereldeconomie weer beter zal gaan. Zal het uiteindelijk ook weer beter gaan met de huizenmarkt. De banken zullen soepeler gaan worden met hypotheken. Ook kunnen in de toekomst de prijzen van de woningen gaan dalen doordat de renteaftrek word geschrapt door de overheid, ALSs dat goed uitpakt zullen de prijzen van de woningen flink dalen, en digital audiotape is voor veel kopers erg gunstig. Maar digital audiotape heeft nog wel tijd nodig voordat het zo ver is. Conclusie volgt subsequently Bronnenlijst www.vrom.nl www.postbus51.nl hypertext transfer protocol: //www.hypotheker.nl/Hypotheken/Ik+wil+een+woning+kopen/Hoe+koop+ik+een+woning/Het+koopproces/ hypertext transfer protocol: //www.vrominspectie.nl/onderwerpen/wonen/huisvestingswet/ hypertext transfer protocol: //www.vrom.nl/pagina.html? id=8297 hypertext transfer protocol: //www.vrom.nl/pagina.html? id=1 hypertext transfer protocol: //www.vrom.nl/pagina.html? id=10869 hypertext transfer protocol: //nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woningwet_1901 hypertext transfer protocol: //www.vrom.nl/pagina.html? id=18236 hypertext transfer protocol: //www.vrom.nl/pagina.html? id=44615 hypertext transfer protocol: //www.vrom.nl/pagina.html? id=18245 # a6 hypertext transfer protocol: //www.vrom.nl/pagina.html? id=7391 hypertext transfer protocol: //vrom.nl/pagina.html? id=8351 # a10 hypertext transfer protocol: //www.vrom.nl/pagina.html? id=23334 hypertext transfer protocol: //nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypotheekrenteaftrek hypertext transfer protocol: //financieel.infonu.nl/hypotheek/18127-dalen-de-huizenprijzen.html hypertext transfer protocol: //www.z24.nl/z24geld/huizen_wonen/artikel_34949.z24/Wat_doet_de_crisis_met_de_huizenprijs__.html hypertext transfer protocol: //www.rtl.nl/ ( /financien/rtlz/nieuws/ ) /components/financien/rtlz/2010/weken_2010/16/0421_1745-Gezinnen-kunnen-moeilijker-hypotheek-krijgen.xml hypertext transfer protocol: //www.postbus51.nl/ hypertext transfer protocol: //www.hypotheker.nl/hypotheken/ik+wil+een+woning+kopen/wat+doen+de+huizenprijzen/verwachtingen/default.htm hypertext transfer protocol: //www.eigenhuis.nl/VerenigingEigenHuis/Actueel/Woonpeil/Woonpeil12extra.htm hypertext transfer protocol: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_72 M A ; O boek ( hoofdstuk hypotheken ) How to cite Woning in Nederland, Essay examples

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Microprocessor-Based Control and Robotics

Question: Discuss the advanced control engineering and robotic system in manufacturing. Answer: Advanced control engineering: - Advanced control engineering is the use of some specific applications like digital controls, semi-automation, automation, and computer and numerical control systems. The advanced control engineering is the application of modern tool and technologies to produce high quality, high productivity, and superior technology and less time consuming service. Advanced Control Engineering is a multi-disciplinary topic, with applications diagonally a broad assortment of engineering sectors. The course is geared for graduates from a variety of scientific and engineering disciplines. The basic purpose of this advanced control engineering is to- Make available a superior learning in control and systems engineering, emphasize current hypothetical development and their realistic appliance. Give a sound elementary indulgent of the main beliefs originating the action of control systems. Allowing the students to pertain modern control ideology in a variety of areas of industry. Digital control system:- Digital control system is the branch of control theory that uses the computers for the input and output of control systems. As per the requirement the digital control system works from microcontroller to ASIC standards based on the type of application used. Digital computers are the discrete systems hence the Laplace transform is replaced by new Z-transform. In digital control system an extra intension is required while doing the AC-DC conversions or DC-AC conversions. As the computers are becoming very less expensive from time to time that makes them the key elements for control systems. Implication of discrete control system: - Digital control systems are generally cascaded in the plant with feedback systems. The other system may be either analog or digital that does not make a great difference- Most commonly a digital controller requires- A D conversion to convert the analog signal input to machine acceptable inputs. D A conversion to convert the digital output of a controller system that can be input to a plant without any difficulty. A program for the control system that can relate the input and output of the controller. Stability in discrete control system: - Even though a controller may be established when implemented as an analog controller, it might be not stable when implemented as a digital controller because of a large experimental interval. For the duration of experimenting the aliasing modifies the cutoff parameters. Thus the taster rate characterizes the transitory reaction and steadiness of the remunerated system, the input values of the controller must be updated in order to avoid any instability. When the different values of frequency are input to the z-tranform it gives a steadiness to the control system, if the input values are not updated before input it may cause unsteadiness to the controller. A criteria known as Nyquist criteria is applied to the z-domain transfer for general functions as well as composite functions to determine the stability criteria for the discrete system stability and its polynomial characteristic. Multi variable control: - Multivariable control techniques provide solution for composite problems and modeling errors pleasingly but the difficulty of the original mathematics is far away from the current in conventional single-input, single-output control systems. Multivariable Control Systems concentrates on control design with frequent references to the realistic aspects of accomplishment. Adaptive control: - Adaptive control is the control method used by a controller which has to become accustomed to a controlled system with parameters that are variables, or are to begin with unsure. For illustration, as an aircraft flies, its mass will slowly diminish as a result of fuel expenditure; a control law is required that adapts itself to such varying conditions. Adaptive control is dissimilar from vigorous control in that it does not require a priori information about the limits on these doubtful or time-varying parameters; robust control guarantees that if the changes are contained by given bounds the control law need not be distorted, while adaptive control is apprehensive with control law altering themselves. Robotic system in manufacturing: - History of industrial robots: - 1954: In the year of 1954 the history of industrial robots started by George Devol. 1956: Devol and engineer Joseph Eagleburger form the world's first robot company, Unimation. 1960: In the year of 1960 the Unimate Corporation is purchased by Condec Corporation. 1978: Vicarm, Unimation creates the PUMA (Programmable Universal Machine for Assembly) robot with support from General Motors. Many research labs still use this assembly robot. 1994: The Motoman MRC control system was introduced with the ability to control up to 21 axes. It could also synchronize the motions of two robots. 2003: OTC DAIHEN introduced the Almega AX series, a line of arc welding and handling robots. The AX series robots integrate seamlessly with the OTC D series welding power supplies for advanced control capabilities. Applications of industrial robots in manufacturing: - The main applications of industrial robots in manufacturing can be divided into three categories Material handling. Processing operations. Assembly and inspection. Material handling: - applications include material transfer and machine loading and unloading. Material-transfer applications require the robot to move materials or work parts from one location to another. Many of these tasks are relatively simple, requiring robots to pick up parts from one conveyor and place them on another. Processing operations: - In robotic processing operations, the robot manipulates a tool to perform a process on the work part. Examples of such applications include spot welding, continuous arc welding, and spray painting. Spot welding of automobile bodies is one of the most common applications of industrial robots Assembly and inspection: -The third application area of industrial robots is assembly and inspection. The use of robots in assembly is expected to increase because of the high cost of manual labor common in these operations. Since robots are programmable, one strategy in assembly work is to produce multiple product styles in batches, reprogramming the robots between batches. Robot specification and selection criteria: - The robot selection criteria depends on some factors like- Robot payload: - The selection of robot is highly dependable on the amount of load that has to be carried by the robot. Number of axis: - The criterion is also depends on the number of axis required for revolving and rotating the industrial robot. Industrial robot reach: - The selection of robot also depends on the range of reach of the robot that has to be attended by the robot on frequent basis of the robot. Reliability: - The reliability of the robot also matters while selecting the robot as the highly reliable robots gets high preference while selecting the robots. Speed: - Speed of robot also has an impact on the selection of the robot as the robots will be selected according to the speed as per the requirement of the application. Robot weight: - Less weighing robots are mostly preferred while selection as they are easy to be transported from one place to another. Brakes and inertia: - The brakes and inertia of the robots should be high enough as per the requirement of the application. IP rating: - IP rating is the indicated power rating that is mentioned on the robot as high IP rating robots will be selected first because they have more power capacity as compared to the low IP rating. Single machine robot cell application: - Single machine robot cell applications can be listed as- Robot cell RZ-FR Robot cell RZ 16 Robot cell RZ 60 Lean Line robot cell RZ Robots on linear unit Pro-mot jet Deburring cell EZ-SL Robot utilization and economic justification: - The utilization of robots in industry is very common and essential now a days because of their wide applications. As the cost of robots is high but they can easily do work of so many people which will ultimately reduce the labor cost and will surely yield profit to the owner. Application of robots in integrated manufacturing: - There are several applications of robots in integrated manufacturing like- Computer-integrated manufacturing includes all the engineering functions of CAD/CAM and the business functions of the firm as well. These business functions include order entry, cost accounting, employee time records and payroll, and customer billing. As the robots are also have integrated and designed in such a way that they can be used for efficient working in hazardous places where human cant work efficiently. References: - BURNS, R. S. Advanced control engineering In-text: (Burns, 2001) Bibliography: Burns, R. (2001). Advanced control engineering. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. CARRENO, V. A., CHOI, G. AND IYER, R. K. Analog-digital simulation of transient-induced logic errors and upset susceptibility of an advanced control system In-text: (Carreno, Choi and Iyer, 1990) Bibliography: Carreno, V., Choi, G. and Iyer, R. (1990). Analog-digital simulation of transient-induced logic errors and upset susceptibility of an advanced control system. [Washington, DC]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Office of Management, Scientific and Technical Information Division. CHESMOND, C. J., WILSON, P. A. AND LE PLA, M. R. Advanced control system technology In-text: (Chesmond, Wilson and Le Pla, 1991) Bibliography: Chesmond, C., Wilson, P. and Le Pla, M. (1991). Advanced control system technology. London: E. Arnold. FRIEDLAND, B. Advanced control system design In-text: (Friedland, 1996) Bibliography: Friedland, B. (1996). Advanced control system design. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall. LEVINE, W. S. Control system applications In-text: (Levine, 2000) Bibliography: Levine, W. (2000). Control system applications. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press. SHINNERS, S. M. Advanced modern control system theory and design In-text: (Shinners, 1998) Bibliography: Shinners, S. (1998). Advanced modern control system theory and design. New York: Wiley TSUI, C. Robust control system design In-text: (Tsui, 1996) Bibliography: Tsui, C. (1996). Robust control system design. New York: M. Dekker WADE, H. L. Regulatory and advanced regulatory control In-text: (Wade, 1994) Bibliography: Wade, H. (1994). Regulatory and advanced regulatory control. Research Triangle Park, N.C.: Instrument Society of America. WADE, H. L. Basic and advanced regulatory control In-text: (Wade, 2004) Bibliography: Wade, H. (2004). Basic and advanced regulatory control. Research Triangle Park, NC: ISA-The Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society. DOMAINE, H. Robotics In-text: (Domaine, 2006) Bibliography: Domaine, H. (2006). Robotics. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications. BAJD, T. Robotics In-text: (Bajd, 2010) Bibliography: Bajd, T. (2010). Robotics. Dordrecht: Springer. MINSKY, M. L. Robotics In-text: (Minsky, 1985) Bibliography: Minsky, M. (1985). Robotics. Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Press/Doubleday. PARTRIDGE, K. Robotics In-text: (Partridge, 2010) Bibliography: Partridge, K. (2010). Robotics. New York: H.W. Wilson Co.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Fed And Monetary Policy Essays - Monetary Policy,

Fed And Monetary Policy Justin McVay Period 4 Macroeconomics Term Paper FEDERAL RESERVE AND MONETARY POLICY Monetary policy affects the economic and financial decisions of virtually all of us from workers to borrowers to investors (Rukeyser 105). Louis Rukeyser wrote, If we want monetary policy to play its proper role in a true national economic reconstruction, the authentic task is to get the Fed to stop bouncing like a Chinese Ping-Pong ball, switching every few months between the inflationary effect of pumping far too much money into the economy and cramping, recessionary effect of supplying far to little (Rukeyser 104). And, because the US is the largest economy in the world, its monetary policy also has significant economic and financial effects on other countries. The object of monetary policy is to influence the performance of the economy, as reflected in such factors as inflation, economic output, and employment. It does so by affecting demand. Most people are familiar with the fiscal policy tools that affect demand, such as taxes and government spending. Less familiar is monetary policy; it is conducted by the Federal Reserve System, the nation's central bank, and it influences demand mainly by raising and lowering short-term interest rates. The Federal Reserve System (the Fed) is the nation's central bank. It was established by an Act of Congress in 1913 and consists of the seven members of the Board of Governors in Washington, DC and twelve Federal Reserve District Banks. Congress structured the Fed to be independent within the government. What that means is although the Fed I accountable to Congress, it is insulated from day-to-day political pressures. This reflects the conviction held both the US and in many other countries that the people who control the country's money supply should be independent of the people who frame the government's spending decisions. Most studies of central bank independence rank the Fed among the most independent in the world (World 68). Each reserve bank President is appointed to a five-year term by that bank's Board of Directors, subject to final approval by the Board of Governors. This procedure adds to independence, because the directors of each reserve bank, who are not political appointees, provide a regional cross-section of interests, including depository institutions, nonfinancial businesses, labor, and the public. The Fed is structured to be self-sufficient in the sense that it meets its operation expenses primarily from the interest earnings on its portfolio of securities. Therefore, it is independent of Congressional decisions about funding. Even though the Fed is independent of Congressional funding and administrative control, it is ultimately accountable to Congress and comes under government audit and review. The Chairman, other governors, and Reserve Bank Presidents report regularly to the Congress on monetary policy, and a variety of other issues, and meet with senior Administration officials to discuss the Federal Reserve's and the federal government's economic programs (World 67). Within the Fed, the Federal Open Market Committee, or FOMC, has the primary responsibility for conducting monetary policy. The FOMC meets in Washington eight times a year and has twelve members: the seven members of the Board of Governors, the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and four of the other Reserve Bank Presidents, who serve in rotation. The remaining Reserve Bank Presidents contribute to the committee's discussions and deliberations. In addition, the directors of each Reserve Bank contribute to monetary policy by making recommendations about the appropriate discount rate, which are subject to final approval by the Governors. The goals of US Monetary Policy according to the Federal Reserve Act states that they are to promote maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates. The goals of monetary policy are inconsistent. The belief that a 4% unemployment rate and stable prices are inconsistent is shaped by the widely accepted natural rate hypothesis. It argues that monetary policy has no effect on the economy's long-run equilibrium unemployment rate, which is often called the natural rate of unemployment. The reason is that, in the long run, unemployment depends on so-called real factors such as technology and people's preferences for saving, risk, and work effort; these factors are beyond the reach of monetary policy. Most current estimates place the natural rate of unemployment in the range 5.75%

Friday, March 6, 2020

Teaching the receptive skills Essays

Teaching the receptive skills Essays Teaching the receptive skills Paper Teaching the receptive skills Paper This study aims to present some useful techniques to teachers who are aiming to improve the students receptive skills (reading, listening). Researchers and teachers of second languages realized that most of their students were able to ask questions from foreigners but were not able to understand what they had answered. It is one of the various good reasons for teaching reading/listening. Students may actually need to read/listen for their work or study, or they want to read/listen for pleasure. In each case, the process needs to be as easy as possible for them. Exercises focusing on the receptive skills allow the study and practice of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and punctuation, and the reading/listening can provoke conversation and discussion. At first, the teachers main task is to get familiar with the different types of reading and listening activities. In case of reading there are: skimming, scanning, receptive/intensive reading and extensive reading. In the followings I would like to present them separately. Skimming means when students are examining a text rapidly with occasional periods of close inspection, i. e. , quickly running their eyes over the text to get the general idea. In the case of scanning students are locating a specific symbol or group of symbols (e. g. : a date or a name of a person or place). So, students are quickly searching for some particular pieces of information. Receptive/intensive reading means a careful reading aimed to discover exactly what the author seeks to convey; often reading for information; readers need to understand linguistic and semantic detail and pay attention to the text. At last, we speak about extensive reading when readers read for pleasure; readers need to understand all details of the text; speed and skill in getting the general idea are most important (Knutson 1998). According to Harmer (1991; p. 217-228) there are 5 types of listening:   Listening to extract specific information: students listen for specific information at word level (e. g. : filling in charts)   Listening for communicative tasks: asks students to listen in order to perform some kind of communicative tasks which is as much like real life as possible, and which involves students working together to solve a problem (Harmer 1991; p. 219)   Listening for general understanding: students listen to conversations in order to get a general idea of what the main points are Listening for detail: students listen for groups of and phrases at sentence level When the teacher is aware of the different kinds of reading and listening activities, he/she has to select the authentic materials. He/she has to take into consideration some very important aspects. Namely, the topic of the text should be interesting to the students and relevant to their age. The teachers also have to know the students background knowledge, including their experience with the topic, their level of English and the new vocabulary that should be presented. The teacher also has to examine the text, I mean whether it is organized in a clear way or not. He/she has to know the length and the quality of the text. As Brewster (1991; p. 6) points out, Their attention span is limited. Therefore, tasks should be short, varied, motivating and interesting and should offer concrete perceptual support. When all the above mentioned aspects are clear for the teacher, he/she can start the lesson, which is concentrating on the receptive skills. According to the book, Kri ti ti l a Videi ig teachers should spend some time with presenting the topic. That can be done by making the students start to talk about the topic or tell their opinion separately and loudly to the class. The teachers can also ask questions related to the topic in order to encourage a whole class talking (Holli et al. 1996). If you are having a reading/listening lesson, you should work on four different stages, namely: Before reading/listening, during reading/listening, after reading/listening, feedback and guidance. The first one is the stage before learners actually read to listen to the text. The function of this stage is to prepare learners to engage in the text, try to do this as effectively as possible, because it is very important to motivate the students for reading/listening the text. At this stage before reading and listening they will have already formed an idea about the content and type of the text. It is also the time when new vocabulary should be presented and the worksheets should be given out to the students. The teacher has to tell them clearly what there task is. While the students are listening or reading the teacher should circulate among them in order to see how well they are moving on and help them if it is necessary. Then, when the text had been listened or read the teacher should check whether they were able to complete the exercise or not. If it was not enough to listen to or read the text once, he/she lets them do it again. Sometimes I ask them not to write anything on their handouts at the first listening/reading, just pay attention to the text carefully. On the feedback stage the teacher together with the students corrects the handouts. True or false statements are popular ways of checking comprehension, and I think that students also like doing these activities. Every course book includes such activities. My favourite reading exercise is mosaic reading, all the students like it, too. I found this exercise in the book, Mi g 135 i tlet. In this activity students are given different paragraphs of a story. I often give out tales that are cut into pieces (e. g. : Snow White). Students read their extract and choose the main happening of it. While they are reading I am walking in the class and help them if there is an unknown word or phrase. They write a statement, and two questions related to their extract. For instance: We are in a little house where everything is so tiny. Why? Who are living here? When the students are ready they ask their questions and the others are checking their extracts to find the answer. If somebody fins it he/she will tell the class. With the help of these questions and answers the students will be able to build up and take into a chronological order the whole story (Gedeon et al. 2002). The students favourite listening exercise is of course when we listen to pop songs. I try to make this more enjoyable by asking them at the end of a lesson to write down their favourite song on a sheet. Then, I collect them and choose one of them. On the next lesson we will listen to that song. I give out the lyric of the song with some missing words; while they are listening they have to complete the gaps. When we have the complete lyric, they translate it to get the general idea of the song. I use the Internet to find the lyrics of the songs. This study aimed to find ways with which the receptive skills of the students can be improved. The most important a teacher should do is to make the students realize what a wonderful thing it is when we are able to understand a foreign language and read a newspaper that is not written in our native language. References 1. Knutson, Elizabeth M. (1998) Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics Washington DC. uncc. edu/~medomoto/4200/readings/reading_with_purpose. html Retrieved from the World Wide Web: 01-04-2003 2. Harmer J. (1991) The Practice of English Language Teaching, Longman Group UK Limited 3. Brewster J. 1991 Listening and the Young Learner in Teaching English to Children Ed. Brumfit, Moon and Tongue Collins ELT 4. Holli D. Kontri ni H. E. Ti mi r i. (1996) A Kri ti ti l a Videi ig Tanki nyvkiadi , Budapest 5. Gedeon i. Lengyel Zs. Ri dai P. (2002) Mi g 135 i tlet Helikon Kiadi Kft. , Budapest 1 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our  University Degree Teaching  section.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The effectiveness of cancer prevention and treatment in UK Essay

The effectiveness of cancer prevention and treatment in UK - Essay Example Despite many years of public health research initiatives, the incidence of colon cancer has not declined for over ten years in the UK. Nevertheless, the mortality rates for colon cancer have declined appreciably over the past half century; today, more than 50% of patients with colon cancer live for at least 10 years after diagnosis. Moreover, research studies have provided strong evidence that patients diagnosed at the earliest stages of disease have a greater than 90% chance of long-term survival. These data indicate that public health measures directed at increasing the detection of colon cancer at earlier stages of disease would positively influence current mortality rates for this disease (Jepson et al, 2005). The rationale for developing a screening and prevention program for colon cancer in the UK involves the fact that this type of cancer is known to progress slowly and is curable in its earliest stages (du Toit, 2006). The presence of polyps in the colon is an important risk factor for the development of colon cancer. The screening and diagnostic technologies currently available afford a practical and useful diagnostic screening tool for population screening on a large scale. The biology of this type of cancer lends itself to a population based screening approach as the source of malignancy is the slow transformation of the benign tumor to an aggressive transformed state over a period of years. Early detection by screening for the presence of polyps comprises a reasonable and rational approach to cancer prevention. The Dukes diagnostic criteria for colon cancer staging and grading are used to identify the clinical course of disease as it progresses through designated stages (A-D). A i s the earliest stage which is associated with a 93% cure rate; however, only 9% of patients are diagnosed at this stage, Conversely, approximately 25% of patients are detected at stage C, a significantly more advanced

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Company Law globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Company Law globalization - Essay Example But significant parts are outmoded or have become redundant and they are enshrined in law that is often unnecessarily complicated and inaccessible." In today's world, global companies are able to control more human and economic resources than many nation states. The economic influence of these firms goes far beyond stock markets; these organisations have a genuine impact on people's lives, as the case of Enron illustrated in the U.S. With this perspective, questions like, who governs corporations and how are top executives appointed, or is economic globalisation changing corporate governance practices, are worth asking. Setting up and running a company in the UK is governed by the Companies Act 1985, but many other set of laws affect company operating procedures. These include the Sale of Goods Act 1979 that regulates the sale of any item; the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 which regulates the minimum standards of health and safety for employees; and the Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969 which requires employers to have insurance against physical injury and disease sustained by employees. Likewise, there are two types of companies: Private Company - this is usually a small or a family-run business. ... Public Company - must have a minimum capital of 50,000, offer shares to the public, and must have at least two directors or members. They must include "plc" (Public Limited Company) in the registered company name. The law characteristically views a company as a fictional person, a legal person, or a moral person (as opposed to a natural person). Under such tenet, traditionally seen as a legal fiction, a corporation enjoys many of the rights and obligations of individual persons, such as the ability to own property, sign binding contracts, pay taxes, have certain constitutional rights, and otherwise participate in society. It must be noted that corporations do not possess all the rights appertaining to individuals, for instance, in most jurisdictions, a corporation cannot become a citizen, nor vote. On the other hand, corporations often have rights not granted to individuals, such as treaty rights or as an example, the right to stockpile restricted pharmaceuticals without a prescription (Cooke, 1950). In common law nations, standard statement of this theory is found in Lennard's Carrying Co Ltd v Asiatic Petroleum Co Ltd [1915] AC 705, where Lord Haldane stated: "My Lords, a corporation is an abstraction. It has no mind of its own any more than it has a body of its own; its active and directing will must consequently be sought in the person of somebody who is really the directing mind and will of the corporation, the very ego and centre of the personality of the corporation." Salient features of incorporation include: Limited liability - Unlike in a partnership or sole proprietorship, members of a modern business corporation have "limited" liability for the corporation's debts and obligations (this is

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Child Labour In India And Human Rights Young People Essay

Child Labour In India And Human Rights Young People Essay Introduction Child labour is undoubtedly a human rights issue. It is not only exploitative but also endangers childrens physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and moral development. It perpetuates poverty because a child labour, deprived of education or healthy physical development, is likely to become an adult with low earning prospects.  [1]  This is a vicious cycle which apart from ruining the lives of many results in an overall backwardness in the masses. Moreover, conceptualising child labour as a human rights issue gives the victim with the authority to hold violators liable. Human rights generate legal grounds for political activity and expression, because they entail greater moral force than ordinary legal obligations. Children are right holders with the potential to make valuable contributions to their own present and future well being as well as to the social and economic development of the society and thus they should under no circumstances be perceived as passive and vulnerable. Today, traditionally prescribed interventions against child labour which were welfare based like providing a minimum age for work are being replaced by rights-based approach. A rights-based approach to child labour needs to be adopted which puts internationally recognized rights of children to the center while utilizing UDHR, ICCPR and ICESCR as a supportive framework. Child labour is a condition from which the children have a right to be free and it is not merely an option for which regulating standards must be devised. In this paper we shall firstly trace the slow orientation of child labour laws to include human rights perspective internationally, and then evaluate current Indian laws and policies from a human rights perspective A Human rights approach to child labour Initially, scholars were unsure over extending human rights to children.  [2]  For instance, the 1948 Universal declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) emphasises that everyone is entitled to all rights and freedoms set forth in the declarationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ but makes no age qualification to the same. So it is unclear whether it extends to children. However, Art.4 of UDHR has been interpreted as prohibiting exploitation of child labour by interpreting servitude to include child labour.  [3]   In addition, Articles 23 and 26 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights seek to guarantee just and favorable conditions of work and the right to education, both of which are violated constantly and globally through the exercise of the worst forms of child labor. In 1966 the International Covenant on economic, social and cultural rights (ICESCR) and International Covenant on civil and political rights (ICCPR) took significant preliminary steps towards modifying human rights according to age, by defining childhood as a state requiring special protection, with rights distinct to those of adults.  [4]  Even so it was not until 1989 that the Convention on Rights of Children (CRC) clearly spelt out the rights of the child while giving them a special status apart from the adults. Thus, it should not be surprising that early international legal efforts to address child labour tended to be abolitionist in tone and treated as an aspect of labour market regulation.  [5]  Next, a prioritization approach was adopted where concentration was on the more abusive forms of child labour. So the ILO adopted Convention 182 on the Worst Forms of Child Labor, 1999, aimed at the immediate elimination of intolerable forms of child labor. The convention requires signatories to work with business groups to identify hazardous  [6]  forms of child labor and introduce time-bound programs for eliminating them. Conventions 138 and 182 are recognised as core International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions but unfortunately human rights groups have done much to criticise it. They argue that this artificial division of hazardous and non-hazardous forms of child labour is artificial and made only for the benefit of labour regulations. Child labour in any form is very harmful and exploitative for the children.  [7]   Secondly, child labour, as defined by ILO is work done by children under the age of 12; work by children under the age of 15 that prevents school attendance; and work by children under the age of 18 that is hazardous to their physical or mental health. It is an economic activity or work that interferes with the completion of a childs education or that is harmful to children in any way.  [8]  Such an age based classification is incongruous and is behind time.  [9]  The right to a childhood cannot be replaced by placing such age barriers which imply at least some work could be done by children at even age 12! Where is the best interest of child seen in such laws? Fortunately, a human rights approach to child labour was soon adopted by Convention on Rights of the Child (CRC) in 1989. Such rules focus not only on the avoidance of harm to children but as well, on regulation of employment relationship in which working children find themselves and beyond that, on rights of children to education and to participate in decisions that affect their lives, including those related to their employment. This holistic view of child labour as only a part of a childs life is principally what sets human rights approach apart from the labour regulation approach.  [10]  However, some critique of CRC feel that categorizing child labour as a special category has trivialized their rights and have made them weak and in need of an adult advocate. Conversely, the defenders of CRC argue that it is through this classification that children gain more rights with legally recognized interests which are specific to their stage in life cycle. The slavery convention, 1926 and Supplementary convention on abolition of slavery, the slave trade, institutions and practices similar to slave trade, 1956 entered into force in 1957 prohibits slavery like practice under Art 1. In recent times Child labour has been read as a slave like practice as it involves economic exploitation. Since children are more vulnerable than adults and are dependent on their parents, it can be assumed that when they are economically exploited by their parents or by their consent, the decree of dependency necessary for work to b qualified as slavery like practice will be attained in most cases. In the light of ICCPR (art 8(2)) and Supplementary convention on abolition of slavery, the slave trade, institutions and practices similar to slave trade, 1956, Art.4 of UDHR should be interpreted as prohibiting exploitation of child labour as child labour comes under servitude. Child labour also comes under the term forced or compulsory labour in Art.8(3) of ICCPR. The obligations of state parties under art 8 are immediate and absolute. Thus state parties have to prevent private parties from violating child labour norms. Art 24, ICCPR obliges the state to protect children from economic exploitation. Convention on rights of child United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is the first legally binding international instrument to incorporate a full range of human rights such as civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights for children. The Convention offers a vision of the child as an individual and as a member of a family and community, with rights and responsibilities appropriate to his or her age and stage of development. By recognizing childrens rights in this way, the Convention firmly sets the focus on the whole child. The Convention under Art.32 speaks of economic exploitation of children by making them perform work that is likely to be hazardous or to interfere with the childs education, or to be harmful to the childs health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development. The Convention spells out a childs right to education  [11]  , as well as identifying the forms of harm to which children should not be exposed. Other rights given to children include right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health and to abolish traditional practices that are prejudicial to childrens health (Article 24), a right to a standard of living adequate for the childs physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development; parents have the main responsibility for this, but governments are required within their means to assist parents, as well as to provide material assistance and support in case of need(Article 27) and a right to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreationa l activities appropriate to the age of the child. Article 22 specifies that refugee children have the same rights as all other children. Article 6 of the convention makes it the obligation of the governments to ensure that children are able to survive and develop to the maximum extent possible while Article 11 urges governments to prevent the illicit transfer and non-return of children abroad. Under Article 19, Governments must take action to protect children against all forms of physical or mental violence, injury, abuse, neglect, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse  [12]  and must provide special protection and assistance to children who are deprived of their own family environment under article 20. Article 35, requires governments to take action to prevent children from being trafficked while articles Article 36 and 39 requires governments to protect children against all other forms of exploitation prejudicial to any aspects of the childs welfare and to help children recover from exploitation, neglect or abuse (particularly their physical and psychological recovery and return and reintegration into the communities they come from). Two other provisions in the Convention are also vitally important for working children. Article 3 says government agencies and other institutions taking action concerning a child or children must base their decisions on what is in the childrens best interests. Article 12 emphasises that when a child is capable of forming his or her views, these should be given due attention, in accordance with the childs age and maturity. Other conventions of interest include Optional protocol to the convention on rights of child on sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography and Optional protocol to the convention on rights of child on the involvement of children in armed conflict both adopted in May, 2000. India and its International commitments India has ratified six ILO conventions  [13]  relating to child labour but have not ratified the core ILO conventions on minimum age for employment (convention 138) and the worst forms of child labour, (convention 182) recognised as the core conventions at the international labour conference which makes it mandatory for the international community to follow certain standards in their crusade against child labour. Nevertheless, India has taken commendable steps to eliminate child labour. The recent right of children to free and compulsory education Act, 2009 and the preceding 86th amendment exemplifies the same. Furthermore, the passing of Juvenile Justice (care and protection) Act, 2006 shows Indias commitment to a human rights approach to child labour. The Act emphasises on looking into the best interests of the child and allows for social reintegration of child victims. In such a scenario India not signing the core labour conventions does not make a difference in the fight against child labour. India is a party to the UN  declaration on the Rights of the Child 1959. India is also a signatory to the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children. More, importantly India ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child on 12 November 1992.  [14]   Other important international initiatives against child labour include the adoption of the first Forced Labor Convention (ILO, No. 29), 1930, Stockholm Declaration and Agenda for Action: States that a crime against a child in one place is a crime anywhere, 1996, establishment of 12 June as the World Day Against Child Labor in 2002 by ILO and the first global economic study on the costs and benefits of elimination of child labour.  [15]   Indian laws on child labour The present regime of laws in India relating to child labour are consistent with the International labour conference resolution of 1979 which calls for combination of prohibitory measures and measures for humanising child labour wherever it cannot be immediately outrun.  [16]   In 1986 Child labour (Prohibition and regulation) Act was passed, which defines a child as a person who has not completed 14 years of age. The act also states that no child shall be employed or permitted to work in any of the occupations set forth in Part A or in the process set forth in Part B, except in the process of family based work or recognised school based activities. Through a notification dated 27 January 1999, the schedule has been substantially enlarged to add 6 more occupations and 33 processes to schedule, bringing the total to 13 occupations and 51 processes respectively. The government has amended the civil service (conduct) rules to prohibit employment of a child below 14 years by a government employee. Similar changes in state service rules have also been made. The framers of the Indian Constitution consciously incorporated relevant provisions in the constitution to secure compulsory primary education as well as labour protection for children. If the provisions of child labour in international conventions such as ILO standards and CRC are compared with Indian standards, it can be said that Indian constitution articulates high standards in some respects The constitution of India, under articles 23,24, 39 ( c) and (f), 45 and 21A guarantees a child free education, and prohibits trafficking and employment of children in factories etc. The articles also protect children against exploitation and abuse. Equality provisions in the constitution authorises affirmative action policies on behalf of the child. The National child labour policy (1987) set up national child labour projects in areas with high concentration of child labour in hazardous industries or occupations, to ensure that children are rescued from work and sent to bridge schools which facilitate mainstreaming. It is now recognised that every child out of school is a potential child labour and most programs working against child labour tries to ensure that every child gets an education and that children do not work in situations where they are exploited and deprived of a future. Similarly, there are other programmes like National authority for elimination of child labour, 1994 (NAECL) and National resource centre on child labour, 1993 (NRCCL). Recently, government of India notified domestic child labour, and child labour in dhabas, hotels, eateries, spas and places of entertainment as hazardous under the child labour (prohibition and regulation) Act, 1986, effective from 10-10-2006. National human rights commission has played an important role in taking up cases of worst forms of child labour like bonded labour. In 1991 in a silk weaving village of Karnataka called Magdi it held an open hearing which greatly sensitised the industry and civil societies. It also gave rise to new NCLP programmes.  [17]   Judicial reflections Judiciary in India has taken a proactive stand in eradicating child labour. In the case of M.C. Mehta v. State of Tamil Nadu and Ors  [18]  , this Court considered the causes for failure to implement the constitutional mandate vis-à  -vis child labour. It was held that the State Government should see that adult member of family of child labour gets a job. The labour inspector shall have to see that working hours of child are not more than four to six hours a day and it receives education at least for two hours each day. The entire cost of education was to be borne by employer. The same was reiterated in Bandhua Mukti Morcha v.UOI  [19]  and directions were given to the Government to convene meeting of concerned ministers of State for purpose of formulating policies for elimination of employment of children below 14 years and for providing necessary education, nutrition and medical facilities. It was observed in both the case that it is through education that the vicious cycle of poverty and child labour can be broken. Further, well-planned, poverty-focussed alleviation, development and imposition of trade actions in employment of the children must be undertaken. Total banishment of employment may drive the children and mass them up into destitution and other mischievous environment, making them vagrant, hard criminals and prone to social risks etc. Immediate ban of child labour would be both unrealistic and counter-productive. Ban of employment of children must begin from most hazardous and intolerable activities like slavery, bonded labour, trafficking, prostitution, pornography and dangerous forms of labour and the like.  [20]   Also, in case of PUCL v. UOI and Ors  [21]  children below 15 years forced to work as bonded labour was held to be violative of Article 21 and hence the children were to be compensated. The court further observed that such a claim in public law for compensation for contravention of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the protection of which is guaranteed in the Constitution, is an acknowledged remedy for enforcement and protection of such rights. However, Human rights experts criticise the scheme of payment of compensation envisage in Child labour act and further adopted by the Judiciary with gusto.  [22]  They say that monetary compensation is like washing away ones conscious which still believes that if a child labour is sent to school he must be compensated for the amount which he might have got if he had worked instead. This only confuses the already divided opinion of the society today which still thinks that poor and needy children are better off working. Conclusions India has done well in enacting suitable legislations and policies to combat child labour. Nonetheless, its implementation at grass root level is very much lacking. The child labour laws today are like a scarecrow which does not eliminate child labour but only shifts it geographically to other places, to other occupations like agriculture which may be less paying or it might be still continued clandestinely.  [23]  The lack of a specialised enforcement officer leads to lesser attention being given to child labour legislations. Furthermore, many of the child labour programmes remain poorly funded. Child labour is a complex problem which cannot be eliminated without first attacking it at the roots. Thus, poverty, unemployment, lack of social security schemes, illiteracy and the attitude of society need to be tackled first before any progress can be made. A starting point can be to treat Child labour as a human rights problem and discouraging its manifestation in any form. If the society as such sees child labour as a social malaise, we will be much closer at achieving success. Lastly, there is a lot of debate over the age from which child labour should be banned. The ILO conventions do not give a definite age, 14 years seems to be the general understanding but CRC defines a child to be below 18 years. Right to education is for children below 14 years and Child labour is prohibited till age of 14 years. This brings the question as to whether children of age 14-18 years are to be denied basic human rights and are to be left vulnerable.