Saturday, May 23, 2020
“the Political Context†- 635 Words
â€Å"The Political Context†Describe how the Founder’s conception of the Constitution (reflected in Madison’s arguments) influenced the evolution of American public administration. In Madison’s arguments he wanted the powers in the departments to be sufficient, flaw less, and have it where the different departments kept each other in their appropriate position. With this being said, Madison believed that his observations would be able to place these powers within the departments into a more proper judgmental structure. In order to properly do this, the Founder’s had to be able to implement the proper foundation for this to be successful. Madison stated that he believe that in order to exercise these powers in the government, each department†¦show more content†¦These two items are going to help the growth in public service in are like sciences, genetics, materials, etc. the public service is going to have to be able to take on t he challenge for learning the new knowledge and technology, but for those in public service they know it will take their services further. The changes that will take place in the future bring more responsibilities and create better opportunities to the people they are helping in public service. Another growth that is seen is the increased globalization with businesses, politics, culture, and environmental concerns. The nation is coming together with all these issue at hand in order to control them. We still don’t see â€Å"eye to eye†on all these issues but progress has been made, and will continue to progress due to the globalization in public service. The diversity allows for growth around the world and allows the public service to gain the new knowledge and better there are of control these growth opportunities are going to be a challenge: however, the public service is looking to improve the conditions in their society, and within the government, laws, groups, and communities. The public service makes and helps change laws that affect the public. The public administration works closely in getting these types of changes made to make the community a better place and toShow M oreRelatedThe Political Context Of Sociology1118 Words  | 5 PagesIn his book, The Political Context of Sociology, Leon Bramson ( analyzes European theories of the mass and mass society. Bramson cites Wihelm Vleugls excretion that â€Å"not only do different authors associate different concepts with the word ‘mass’: often the same author will use the word to designate different concepts (p. 29). 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